Jahanpajooh Strategic Studies Institute

۳۴۰ مطلب با موضوع «Areas America - Europe» ثبت شده است

جهان پژوه

ریاست جمهوری برای کلینتون می‌تواند حکم چوب دو سر طلا را داشته باشد. از طرفی، جمهوریخواهان می‌توانند او را به ضعف در عملگرایی و عدم سازش متهم کنند و حسابی در کنگره آزارش بدهند و از طرف دیگر دموکرات‌ها می‌توانند او را به همراهی با حزب رقیب متهم نمایند.

Within the last 30 years, while we’ve chased bogeymen overseas and here at home, our Democracy has fallen. We have been taken over; defeated; our voices neutered; our freedoms trampled; our democracy vanquished.

جهان پژوه

یک تحلیلگر سیاسی به پرس تی‌وی گفت گزارش اداره تحقیقات فدرال امریکا (اف بی آی) درباره استفادۀ هیلاری کلینتون از سِرور شخصی ایمیل‌های خود در زمان تصدی  پست وزارت خارجه می‌تواند به بروز یک «هرج و مرج عظیم» در رقابت‌های انتخاباتی 2016 در امریکا منجر شود.

جهان پژوه

«آرشین ادیب مقدم» مبنای کمپین برگزیت را احساسی دانسته و تبعات کلی آن را منوط به نتایج انتخابات آمریکا و انگلیس دانست.

T-64BV tank. Wikimedia Commons/Serhiy Popsuevich

Imagine huge numbers of Soviet combat divisions streaming across Germany.

جهان پژوه

A small percentage of the Library's collections are available in digital form. Most e-books from the Library of Congress can be found in the Internet Archive External Link. In addition to public domain works, Library of Congress publications such as annual reports, illustrated collection guides, Federal Research Division country studies, and a history of the Library of Congress are available as e-books. Other collections follow:

جهان پژوه

Operation Atlantic Resolve is a demonstration of our continued commitment to the collective security of NATO and dedication to the enduring peace and stability in the region, in light of the Russian intervention in Ukraine specifically. In meeting our global security commitments, the United States must have strong, committed and capable allies, which is why we have fought, exercised and trained with our European allies for the past 70 years. Operation Atlantic Resolve will remain in place as long as the need exists to reassure our allies and deter Russia from regional hegemony.

جهان پژوه

List Of News & Transcripts The United Stats European Comman:

china EU

China and Europe need to work together, as historically it has been proven that this is the right course to follow.

Debate over granting of MES [market economic status] to China goes beyond trade policy and is mostly about Europe’s lack of competitiveness.

Targeted killings or assassinations beyond the battlefield remain a highly charged subject. Most controversial of all is the number of civilians killed in US covert and clandestine drone strikes since 2002.