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Society of Peace
- Christian Peacemaker Teams
- Darthmouth Conferences
- Hands Off the People of Iran
- Institute for Economics and Peace
- International Campaign Against Aggression on Iraq
- International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation
- International Peace Bureau
- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
- Mondpaca Esperantista Movado World Peace Esperanto Movement
- Nobel Women's Initiative organized by female Nobel Peace Prize winners
- Nonviolent Peaceforce
- Peace One Day
- Peace Brigades International
- Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
- Students for Justice in Palestine
- The Non-Violence Project
- War Resisters' International
- World Peace Council
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
- World Congress of Intellectuals for Peace
- Anti-War Coalition
- Committee on South African War Resistance
- End Conscription Campaign
- Koeberg Alert
- Association de la Paix par le Droit[1][2]
- Austrian Society of Friends of Peace (German: Oesterreichische Gesellschaft der Friedensfreunde)[3]
- Center for Antiwar Action – Serbia[4]
- Dansk Fredsforening – Denmark[5]
- German Peace Society
- Irish Peace Society[5]
- International League of Peace[1]
- League of Peace and Freedom[1]
- Norwegian Peace Association (Norwegian: Norges Fredslag)[6]
- Società per la pace e la giustizia internazionale – Italy[6][7]
- Societe suisse de la paix – Switzerland[6]
- Soviet Peace Committee – state-controlled organization during the Soviet Union
- Stop the War Committee – opposed the Second Boer war
- Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society[6]
- Vrede door Recht (Peace through Law) – Netherlands[6]
- Movement for a Non-violent Alternative (in French)
- Societe Gratry de la paix[1]
- Peace Through Law Association
- Union pacifiste de France (in French)
United Kingdom
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
- Church of England Peace League[8]
- Committee of 100
- Direct Action Committee
- Liverpool and Birkenhead Women's Peace and Arbitration Association[8]
- Military Families Against the War
- No Conscription Fellowship
- Peace Pledge Union[9]
- Peace Society[8]
- Rationalist Peace Society – Britain[8][10]
- School Students Against War
- Stop the War Coalition
- Spies for Peace
- Workman's Peace Association – Britain[6]
North America
United States
- America First Committee – opposed American entry into the Second World War
- American League Against War and Fascism
- American Peace Mobilization
- American Peace Society
- American Women for Peace[11][12]
- A.N.S.W.E.R. (also known as International ANSWER and ANSWER Coalition)
- Another Mother For Peace[12]
- Anti-War Committee
- Association for Muslims of United States[13]
- Campus Antiwar Network
- Committee for Non-Violent Action (later merged with the War Resisters League)
- Committee for Nonviolent Revolution
- Center on Conscience & War (formerly known as NISBCO)
- Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
- Council for a Livable World
- The Council for National Interest
- Code Pink: Women for Peace
- Common Dreams
- ChildVoice International
- Direct Action to Stop the War
- GI Rights Network
- Gold Star Families for Peace
- Iraq Veterans Against the War
- Iraq Peace Action Coalition
- Long Island Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives
- Military Families Speak Out opposed to war in Iraq
- Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
- National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund
- National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam
- National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
- National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
- New York Peace Society – first peace society in U.S., opposed 19th and 20th century wars
- No Conscription League
- Not in Our Name
- Peace Action
- Peace Alliance
- Peace and Freedom Party
- People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace – anti-World War I group
- Port Militarization Resistance
- Seneca Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice[12]
- September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- Spring Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam
- Students for a Democratic Society (2006 organization)
- Syracuse Peace Council
- The Buffalo Nine
- The World Can't Wait
- Troops Out Now Coalition
- United for Peace and Justice
- Veterans for Peace
- Vietnam Day Committee
- Vietnam Veterans Against the War
- War Resisters League
- Women Against Military Madness[12][14]
- Women Strike for Peace[12]
- Women's Peace Party[12]
- Women's Peace Society[12]
- Women's Peace Union[12]
- Youth International Party (Yippies)
- Canadian Peace Alliance
- Canadian Peace Congress
- Ceasefire Canada
- Nova Scotia Voice of Women
- War Resisters Support Campaign
- American Friends Service Committee
- Anglican Pacifist Fellowship
- Catholic Association for International Peace
- Catholic Worker Movement
- Christian Peace Conference
- Episcopal Peace Fellowship
- Fellowship of Reconciliation
- Friends Committee on National Legislation
- International Catholic Peace League
- Lutheran Peace Fellowship
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Methodist Peace Fellowship
- Order of Maximilian, anti-Vietnam war organization
- Pax Christi[15]
- Pentecostal Charismatic Peace Fellowship
- Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
See also
- List of peace activists
- Anti-nuclear organizations
- Anti-war movement
- Direct action
- Gandhi Peace Award
- Gandhi Peace Prize
- Global Peace Index
- Nobel Peace Prize laureates
- Non-interventionism
- Nonviolence
- Nonviolent resistance
- Nuclear disarmament
- Pacifism
- Parliament Square Peace Campaign
- Peace
- Peace churches
- Resistance movement
- White House Peace Vigil
- World peace