Jahanpajooh Strategic Studies Institute

جهان پژوه


Think Tank Speciality Career Information

Chatham House

International economics, regional studies

Job vacancies are advertised on their website and their internship opportunities are advertised on the Chatham House Internships page. Take a look at the LSE Careers, Chatham House biographies page for employee profiles. 

International Institute of Strategic Studies(IISS)

Non-proliferation, counterterrorism

Job vacancies are advertised on their website and internship opportunities are advertised on the IISS Intern page.

Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

International development, humanitarian issues

Job vacancies are advertised on their website.  The ODI also offer a fellowship for young postgraduate economists.  For more information please visit ODI Fellowship Scheme page.

Adam Smith Institute

Free-market, social policies

Job vacancies, work experience placements and internships are all advertised on the Adam Smith Institute Jobs pages. 

Centre for Policy Studies (CPS)

Enterprise, society, privatisation

The chairman of CPS is Lord Saatchi (an LSE graduate) and although no job vacancies are advertised on the website there are contact details here

Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

State-engagement, action in developing countries

Job vacancies are advertised on the IDS Jobs pages.  The IDS do not accept speculative applications. 

Centre of Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

Economics, public policy, industrial organisation

Job vacancies are advertised on the CEPR vacancies pages.

Centre for European Reform (CER)


Job vacancies are not advertised online. 


Education, crime, constitution, health reform, immigration

Information on internships with CIViTAS can be found on their website.   

Fabian Society

Public policy (left of centre), affiliated with the Labour Party. 

Information on internships with the Fabian Society can be found on their website


Think Tank Speciality Career Information

Brookings Institution

U.S. foreign policy, Middle East

All job opportunities, internships and fellowship information can be found on the Brookings Employment pages.

Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

U.S. foreign policy, national security

The CFR offer career opportunities for recent graduates as well as various fellowship schemes.  All information on these can be found at CFR Career Opportunities.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Nuclear non-proliferation, China

Current vacancies are advertised on their website.  Carnegie Endowment do not accepted speculative applications.

Rand Corporation

Military strategy, political economy

All information and vacancy postings can be found on the Rand Jobs pages. 

Heritage Foundation

Tax policy, missile defence

For information on careers at Heritage please visit their website.  Heritage also offer internships and fellowship schemes, information on which can be found on the Heritage Internships pages.

Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars

Regional studies, democracy promotion

Employment opportunities, internships, and fellowship information can be found at Opportunities @ Wilson

Centre for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)

defence policy, diplomacy

Internships with CSIS and employment opportunities are advertised at CSIS Internships and Jobs

American Enterprise Institute(AEI)

Trade, defence

As featured in Washingtonian magazine's 55 great places to work.  The AEI offers employment opportunities and internships, please visit their website for further information. 

Cato Institute

Libertarianism, deregulation

Jobs and internship information can be found on the Cato website. 

Centre for Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP)

Federal budget, federal tax

All job vacancies are advertised on the CBPP Job Opportunities page. 

More information on US think tanks can be found on the Washington D.C Think Tanks pages. 


Think Tank Speciality Career Information

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute(SIPRI)

Arms control, conflict management

Information on SIPRI internships can be found on their website. Job opportunities are advertised on the SIPRI Jobs page. 

Centre for European Policy Studies(CEPS)

EU affairs

CEPS offer internships within many of the research unit, all job and internship information can be found at CEPS Opportunities.

Transparency International


Transparency are a large global organisation that have opportunities all over the world, including internships. Please visit Working with Transparency for more information. 

German Council for Foreign Relations (DGAP)

German foreign policy, international relations

When vacancies arise they are advertised on the DGAP website. 

German Institute for International and Security Affairs

German foreign policy and security

Please note: a basic understanding of German is required to view their web page, all jobs and internships can be found from their home page.

French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)

Trans-Atlantic relations, European affairs

Visit the homepage for careers information. 

International Crisis Group

Prevention/resolution of deadly conflict

For further details on employment and internships please visit the International Crisis Group employment pages.

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)

Electoral processes, political parties, democracy, conflict

Vacancies are advertised on their website, you can also register your CV online to receive information on vacancies and internships.  Please visit IDEA Vacancies   

Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Global economics

Research opportunities and student assistant posts are advertised at Kiel Institute Job Vacancies

European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)

Democracy, human rights, justice

Employment opportunities and internships are advertised on the ECFR website.  Please note: internship applications should be sent directly to the relevant office.


Think Tank Speciality Career Information

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)

Philosophy, social sciences, People's Republic of China

Visit the home page for careers information.

Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)

Internationals relations, foreign policy

Visit the home page for careers information.

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA)

Military affairs, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, security

Visit Jobs at IDSA for vacancy news.

Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

Defence, security policy, global challenges, regional studies

Internships and job opportunities are advertised here.

Institute for International Policy Studies (IIPS)

International relations

Visit the home page for careers information.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Think Tank Speciality Career Information

Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI)

International relations

Visit the home page for careers information.

Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACOS)

Social sciences, education

Visit the home page for careers information.

Libertad y Desarroll (LYD)

Economy, justice, environment

Visit the home page for careers information.

Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP)

Chilean affairs

Visit the home page for careers information.

Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC)

Education, health, justice, public spending 

Visit the home page for careers information.


Think Tanks Speciality Career Information

Centre for Conflict Resolution


Centre for Conflict Resolution vacancies

South Africa Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA)

Trade, investment, security, conflict, SA foreign policy

SAIIA offer internships and job opportunities.  Information can be found at SAIIA jobs and Internships.

Institute of Security Studies (ISS)

Human security

Please visit the SAIIA vacancies page for information on opportunities. 

Free Market Foundation

Human development

Please visit the home page for careers information.

Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies (ACPSS)

Development, international system

Please visit the home page for careers information. 

Institute for National Security Studies (INSS)

Terrorism, intelligence, arms control

INSS offers two fellowships; Neubauer Research Fellowships; Ze'ev Schiff Research Associates. They also provide internships. Please visit the About INSS page for more details.

Gulf Research Center (GRC)

Gulf Cooperation Council affairs

Email your CV/resume to jobs@grc.ae or visit the GRC Internship pages for intern information.

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research  (ECSSR)

Economy, military, strategic studies 

There are many opportunities advertised on ECSSR Vacancies.

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa  (CODESRIA)

Social sciences

Visit CODESRIA Training, Grants, and Fellowships for information on opportunities.

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