"We condemn the misinformation over Brexit and believe we need a properly informed debate on the way forward," they continued. "We cannot pull up the drawbridge to Europe and call on our politicians to set out a clear route map for this partnership. Politicians must be prepared to put to the British people their prospectus for the new way forward through a general election or second referendum."
By a margin of 52-48 percent, the UK voted on July 23 to leave the European Union. Many have charged that the campaign was marred by violence, misinformation, and xenophobia.
"I'm here because I feel totally disenfranchised, hoodwinked and browbeaten into this political, financial and social suicide," Sussex business consultant Mark Riminton told the Guardian, "and the only thing I can think of to do is go on a march."
That sentiment was apparently shared by the estimated 30,000 who attended the march.
"I'm absolutely outraged at the way people voted, the lies the referendum was based on and the divide in the country because of it," 40-year-old Philippa Griffin, from Hertfordshire, told the Huffington Post UK. "My ideal outcome from this march is that MPs realise that leaving the EU is not what people truly want. It feels like our country has already changed."
Reports of hate speech and complaints of racial abuse have risen in the wake of the vote, according to the UK's National Police Chiefs Council.