Jahanpajooh Strategic Studies Institute

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Armenian soldiers at the 2015 Victory Day parade. Kremlin.ru
Who would win in an Azerbaijan-Armenia face-off?

The U.S. military is reviewing whether civilians were killed earlier this week during a bombing in Syria that activists say may have left over 200 dead.

Khaled al Otaiby, an official of the Saudi oil company Aramco watches progress at a rig at the al-Howta oil field.

The world’s energy markets continue to be held down by Saudi Arabia’s death march of overproduction in its bid to strip market share from competition nations and faces a host of potential geopolitical tremors that could send prices into a free-fall.

Istanbul: view from Galata Tower

Turkey's increasingly warm relations with Russia spell trouble for the United States at a time when the already strained ties between Ankara and Washington have been further complicated following the unsuccessful attempt to overthrow President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, journalist and research analyst Salman Rafi Sheikh asserted.

In this July 16, 2016, file photo, tanks move into position as Turkish people attempt to stop them in Ankara, Turkey

With polls showing that only 17% of Turks welcome the US in their country and with the country's leadership accusing the United States of staging the attempted government overthrow and even threatening war against the Americans, this relationship appears doomed to fail.

Asked if airstrikes would pause, chief spokesman for U.S. military in Iraq and Syria said, "No. Operations continue against [ISIS.]"

First-of-its-kind report rated 83 countries on UN's sustainable development goals and found US "seriously far from achievement"


U.N. Envoy Decries ‘Misguided’ View of Refugees, Calls for More Aid


As Hillary Clinton prepares to accept her party's nomination for president, the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks has released nearly 20,000 hacked emails that offer an embarrassing look inside the workings of the Democratic Party as it prepares for its convention in Philadelphia.

Leaked DNC emails prove anti Bernie Sanders campaign by Democratic party elite

A new batch of internal DNC emails have been released by Wikileaks that conclusively prove that the Democratic party colluded with Hillary Clinton to suppress Bernie Sanders from being nominated.